Disclaimer: The below article is part of our ‘Discussion Articles’ collection of publications designed to facilitate public discussion.  The views of the author do not necessarily represent the views or policies of the Reform UK Party.

Burning battery facility

With the Labour Party apparently in a huge hurry to destroy huge swaths of our green and pleasant North Yorkshire countryside in its quest for Net-Zero CO2 emissions, a quest that will cost the British public £billions…if not £trillions. One would think with those mind-boggling numbers, Labour would have gone to
the Great British public for a clear mandate before committing the country to such economy-busting expense…yes?

But NO…actually there is no mandate for this nonsense, only what their masters at the World Economic Forum (WEF) are dictating to them. So, I believe that it’s high time we dug into the facts behind this mad drive to Nut-Zero.

So, just how much CO2 are we talking about? Well, the percentage of carbon dioxide (CO2) in the Earth’s atmosphere is 427 parts per million (ppm) or 0.04%. Yes, you read that right…0.04%.

Ed Miliband While watching Ed Miliband strumming on a child’s guitar and croaking painfully out of key trying to sell his Nut-Zero nonsense, I thought to myself…

“Lord give me strength, has this man got no shame”…
…Well apparently not!!!

Of that 0.04%, only 3% is attributed to human activity or 0.000012% of the total atmosphere. It therefore follows that 97% of the 0.04% is attributed to natural emissions and beyond our control.

To this day, nobody has ever been able to show that that the 3% of the 0.04% that humans are responsible for, is driving global warming (if it even exists). To do that they would need to prove that the 97% of natural emissions were not implicated…and they can’t. CHECK MATE!

China heads the list of CO2 emissions by country producing 32.88% of the 3%. attributed to human activity of the 0.04% in the atmosphere (https://www.worldometers.info/co2-emissions/co2-emissions-by-country/).

Then comes the US with 12.60%; India 6.99% with Russia 4.96% and Japan 2.81% making up the top five. The top 10 account for 68.8% of human related CO2 emissions. Now, just jog my memory for a minute…China is doing what to reduce their emissions? Oh, that would be absolutely nothing…India the same…Sorry, my mistake, they’re actually increasing their emissions.

The United Kingdom is ranked 17, producing a meagre 0.88% of the 3% of the 0.04% or 0.00000012% of the CO2 in the atmosphere. Behind countries like Indonesia, Iran, Mexico, Turkey Brazil and South Africa. All developing countries that have no intention of destroying their economies in pursuit of some imbecilic ideology that has never been proven.

Now, let’s be perfectly clear about this. It’s not possible for the Uk to become totally carbon neutral…but let’s pretend for a moment that it was possible and our 0.00000012% was eliminated, it would make absolutely no difference whatsoever. Other countries are building coal fired power station by the score and our meagre contribution is not even a drop in the ocean.

But the crazed fanatical ideologues in Labour with their Head of Fanatics Mr Ed Miliband in charge of the asylum, are throwing £Billions upon £Billions of OUR money at this, taxes that we haven’t even paid yet! It’s akin to saying a “fly has had a bowel movement on the Humber Bridge…shotblast and paint it all”. Now, call me a conspiracy theorist if you like, I really don’t care. But I feel that we’ve been here before…many, many times.

Global starvation 1970’s – and were still here.
Oil will be gone in 10 years 1970’s – and it’s still here.
Acid rain concerns kicked off the 1980’s – and the forests are still here.
Greenhouse gasses and the hole in the ozone layer 1985 – The subject vanishes without trace.
The Millennium time bomb – Y2K estimated cost $825,000,000,000 – Never materialised.
Ice glaciers melting – rising sea levels flooding low lying countries 2009 – The sea levels have not moved.
From global cooling fail…to global warming fail…now simply termed climate change – The ever changing narrative.
And that brings us to Net-Zero – which will inevitable be another fail.

None of these aged well, did they? The only thing any of these achieved was a huge transfer of wealth from poor to rich…time and time again. So, what lessons have we learnt? Well, basically we have been lied to on a colossal scaled by those we have placed in a position of power to protect us…and that, I believe is where we are now!

But can we lay ALL of the blame on the imbecilic Labour puppets currently tasked with destroying our once great nation?…Certainly not! The foundations were laid by the Conservatives over many years. At face value, they are two parties, but behind the scenes they are two well oiled cheeks of the same slippery backside.

So, what can we, the people do to halt the Nut-Zero lunacy and bring to an end the latest round of treachery? With the other three parties clearly singing from the WEF hymn sheet, the only way to end this madness is a vote for a fresh approach. A vote to reform the political landscape.

If you love this country, there really is no other option. Britian Needs Reform.

About the Author: Gerard Seal

Gerard Seal
I've lived in a few different countries, now back in the UK I find that everything is not what we have been led to believe. Time to do all I can to put the "Great" back in Britain.

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