It would appear that having alienated pensioners the chancellor has now turned attention to farmers with the sole intention of destroying that industry and thousands of families with it. To impose an inheritance tax on the children of the farmers thus making it difficult for that person to continue the running of that farm is ridiculous in the extreme. Farmers are asset rich and very cash poor so to take some or all of that asset and ruin that farm suggests that Labour think we can simply import all our food based on the simple premise that we haven’t been self-sustaining since 1750. It is bad enough that we are around 70% sustaining, but the lost farms coupled with the proliferation of solar farms we will have to import so much more from places like Ukraine (which is not guaranteed!).

We have little hope but there are options:

  1. Make sure no labour candidate wins any council election in the next 5 years
  2. Make sure we remove this Labour Government in 5 years time and make this one of our first reversal.

There is a rally to be held at Westminster on Nov 16th 11am, if you can make it then be there!!

Interim Chairman, Reform UK Pilot Branch Wetherby and Easingwold

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